When Relationships is strong?

Not all good friends become lovers, but all lovers must be good friends. ~ Paul Mc Closkey Being friends first makes for a longer, healthier relationship. You know what you’re in for, that way. ~ Kristen Behrens  Relationships are stronger when you grow together as friends and lovers. The passion is the strength that keeps it together. ~ Zermeno …

Why most relationships fail?

Let it hurt and let it go. Move on, be happy! Selfishness is the greatest curse to relationships. Relationship will grow and last if there is trust and respect. You must add lack of communication to this. Always talk to each other about everything. ~ Joanne Pierce  Lack of self-esteem is also a relationship curse. It causes …

It doesn’t matter what you look like

Someone once told me of a dream they had where God had asked them, “What is wrong with my colour scheme?” to which she replied ‘sorry I don’t know what you mean’ God said ‘ Well I made people black,white and brown and the sky blue the grass green the flowers red, purple e.t.c. He then …

Even the nicest people have their limits

Some people confuse kindness for stupidity. We can always be nice. What I have learned both personally and professionally it is more about setting healthy boundaries and expectations for others on how to treat you or your business/team and being fully transparent instead of expecting others to read your mind or pick up on your frustration. …

Before you start to judge me

Never underestimate a person who always seems to be struggling or down on their luck. ~ Victoria Mack You want be in my shoes, long you will run as fast as the wind to get the my shoes off, but I am stronger everyday for living the life I have lived. ~ Sandra Daugherty  Difficult circumstances don’t mean …