Tag: happy

Those people who genuinely care

Sometimes people find someone who really cares and helps and loves but they want to be better with some people around, who takes advantage of them or hurt them but they don’t realize that they can lose everything. Sometimes you have to believe and trust. The destiny will always show you the right way. ~ Markus Dworowy  …

Who’s falling in love with your smile

Give someone a smile. It might be the only sunshine they see all day.  Always fall in love with yourself first. The smile belongs to you. ~ Mary Harris Every little smile can touch somebody’s heart. No one is born happy. All of us are born with ability to create happiness.  You always must smile and life will …

The Secret of being Happy

Happiness is a daily art learning to appreciate and be grateful for the small things. By making the most out of life every day you can alter where you are in life, even if it is only a perception. ~ Annie Berber  We are each the author of our own happiness. It is really a state of …

A woman who creates a happy life on her own

A strong woman stands up for herself. A stronger woman stands up for everyone else. ~ Unknown You can’t be good company for someone else, if you’re not happy with your own company. We all should be able to be independent so we never have to depend on someone to take care of us completely, not …