Tag: let go

Just don’t look back at your past

Life is a journey with ups and downs always for good. My own mother’s last words to me, when I left my biological family. Matter in life on never turning back. Words that have saved me from severe harm. ~ Lucinda Harman  No looking back. Move forward for a better life! The past is dead time, whether …

Accept what is & let go of what was

Thank you for what is, thank you for what was and thank you for what will be. We have to live our life now but will understand it in future. Accept whatever may happen, let go and move on with my life and have to think of. The Best is yet to come! Sometimes we get …

It’s hard to move on in life

Don’t look back. You are not going there. Keep moving on and you will be where you want to be. Create a life that you love. Do this for yourself! It’s not easy but it’s always possible if you start with baby steps. Look back and see what made you happy and start doing things that …