Tag: strength

Smile is a symbol of Hope and Strength

Smiling makes you feel a lot better no matter what is going on with your life. I must have plenty of hope and strength because I try to smile through the hardest situations life brings. It makes it possible to breath through them. God is so good even in the hard times. There is always something …

Someone who was with you when things were tough

There are few people who don’t leave you at your worst times, otherwise it’s the bitter reality of life that when you enter in darkness no one supports you, even your own shadow leaves you. ~ Xaahra Zaffar  I will always remember them who reached out to help me when I was down. ~ Margit Patterson  God is …

The Best Form of Love

Forgiveness does not have to mean “forget”, it simply means ‘accept’ (the act or situation) to be able to move forward. ~ Danielle Villalobos  Just say the words; ‘I forgive myself’. The hard part is figuring out what piece of whatever it is, you own. You must forgive yourself before others, even if your the innocent. Sometime …