Tag: strong

When Relationships is strong?

Not all good friends become lovers, but all lovers must be good friends. ~ Paul Mc Closkey Being friends first makes for a longer, healthier relationship. You know what you’re in for, that way. ~ Kristen Behrens  Relationships are stronger when you grow together as friends and lovers. The passion is the strength that keeps it together. ~ Zermeno …

Before you start to judge me

Never underestimate a person who always seems to be struggling or down on their luck. ~ Victoria Mack You want be in my shoes, long you will run as fast as the wind to get the my shoes off, but I am stronger everyday for living the life I have lived. ~ Sandra Daugherty  Difficult circumstances don’t mean …

It takes a stronger person to forgive

Sometimes Sorry is too easy to say. It doesn’t mean anything if the action keeps happening. ~ April Hocking Forgiveness is not easy when someone doesn’t say they are sorry. Sometimes they don’t even know you are hurting. ~ Judi Casale People who don’t say they are sorry are the ones who need to be forgiven the most. …