Tag: strong

Don’t confuse your path with your destination

Stormy weather always leads to clear skies. Rainbows can’t form without rain. There’s always Sunshine in our lives. Never loose Hope even how hard life is. Keep on smiling! The key to life is determining whether you’re on the path that you want to be on; not the path that society directs you towards. Remember, “happiness …

Who are said to be the Strongest people?

Strongest are the ones who can laugh and smile in spite of life’s trials and tribulations. Pain & Fear are normal feelings for humans. However exercising control over them separates the strong from the weak. ~ Olusoji Siwoku  Being strong to me is understanding why you need to be strong. Which is understanding that reason. Strong like …

Remember you are a different person now than before

We are always growing, changing and evolving to become a better person. With the support from good friends and family we become stronger. ~ Elizabeth Vargas  I may learn the hard way, but I do learn. My past does not define me. Everyday is a new day. ~ Victoria Abrego Thank God, without him, I would have not …

No matter what challenges come on your way

Every day brings new gratitude. No matter what I’m through and that includes the peaks and valleys; the ups and downs,the smooth and rough rides of the roller coaster of life I am very thankful that I have an interesting ride of my journey to whatever destination I end up. ~ Norma Powell  You can know for …

Never be ashamed of a scar

I have found out we all have scars, some more than others. Its the meaning we put in them and how we heal them that makes us. ~ Kret Hansen Having a huge scar on my neck due to thyroid cancer is a constant reminder of my strength and how each day is a blessing. The doctor …