Category: Woman

If a man truly loves his woman

If a man truly loves his woman his love will be enough as that love will bring everything else needed with it. Same for the woman and her man. It’s what true love all about. In return the best thing a woman can do is show appreciation rather than looking for a paycheck, shopping partner, or things …

A man who awakens a woman’s love

Playing with the emotions of another is cruel. There are loads of dodgy women out there who pretends they love you but in real they not. Sincere man who seek love encounter women who play with them for their own motives. In my books that man is brave who get hurt, emotionally wounded by women but …

The best gift a man can give to his woman

Quality time, attention, love and respect are the best ingredients in every relationships. My husband Jimmie of 54 years has given me more time time in the last 7 months than I deserve. Since my accident I haven’t cooked a meal washed a dish yea for my soul mate he reserves a 1,000 diamonds in his …

A woman who creates a happy life on her own

A strong woman stands up for herself. A stronger woman stands up for everyone else. ~ Unknown You can’t be good company for someone else, if you’re not happy with your own company. We all should be able to be independent so we never have to depend on someone to take care of us completely, not …

A wise woman avoids drama

Drama is for the movies. Life is to be cherished, enjoyed and embraced. ~ Ladonna Southern A woman’s time is precious. As a Mother, Friend, Sister and Wife, she sacrifices her own time 24-7  to share unconditionally. ~ Shawn Thompson  Read everyday in the morning so as not to get pulled in during the day and leave with …

Be a girl with a mind & a woman with attitude

Intelligent mind and definitely, a lady with class, is the best way to be. It’s natural to have a mind, but question is if it’s the right mind; it’s easy to have an attitude, question is if it’s the wisest that reveals great character; but it’s not easy to have ‘class’, it takes the right breeding,right …