Sometimes a good heart doesn’t see the bad

Sometimes a good heart doesn't see the bad

Good hearts don’t see anything but good.

Good hearts look for the good in others no matter what. 

It maybe hard to maintain a good heart, but it makes life understandable and worthwhile.

More often than not, the voice from that good heart is ignored. ~ Terrie Gamino 

The heart is not blind or we chose to be blind to the truth about the person’s real self. Its just when you have a good heart, you tend to be trusting and you look for the good in every person you meet, young and old male or female. Sometimes those we think had betrayed us, hurt us. We don’t even know maybe they are hurting too because they are not bad persons at was just a bad situation that eventually gotten worst cause no one had tried to resolve the problem/issue/situation. I have forgiven the person and for allowing myself to be played a fool. I always believe in paying for the consequences of your action good or bad it comes back to haunt you, maybe not this time but one way or another it will come to you ten times the intensity. ~ Norma Powell 

Blind sided and I forgive myself on that because I know my intentions is pure and noble. ~ Dolly Perez 

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