Category: Love

Kiss the Broken

What a great world it would be if we all hugged the hurt, kissed the broken, befriended the lost, and loved the lonely. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a kinder gentler world where we embraced our differences and comforted the lonely; if we aspired to rise above our limitations and put the past behind us. Wouldn’t …

It takes a stronger person to forgive

Sometimes Sorry is too easy to say. It doesn’t mean anything if the action keeps happening. ~ April Hocking Forgiveness is not easy when someone doesn’t say they are sorry. Sometimes they don’t even know you are hurting. ~ Judi Casale People who don’t say they are sorry are the ones who need to be forgiven the most. …

At the end of the day tell yourself gently

Sometimes it is hard for us to appreciate ourselves from inside out. We blamed ourselves for being so stupid sometime. But still remind ourselves that we had tried our best already. ~ Bianca Chung Giving a good feedback to ourselves is one way of giving inspirations to do more good to our lives. We have to learn …

Love is what changes us

Love changes people. It makes them do things they never would have done before. Manipulation & control is not love. Love & acceptance equal change in a person. Even if you love them they won’t change, if they didn’t want to change. You can’t change other people. You just can’t, so give it up. Either like …

Always love straight forward people

People can be straight forward without hurting others. Just be honest, take the persons feelings into consideration. Use your filter on your mouth. People talk way too much, and make comments on things that are unnecessary. ~ Nancy Field  Just try not to be angry, try not to worry, and try to be grateful. Do your work …

Love is when you sit beside someone

Just being with them feels fantastic and flutters my heart. ~ Sue Rhea  Even when you’re just sitting there, doing nothing, saying nothing and just holding hands. ~ Brigitte Nicole There doesn’t have to be a romantic link. To me this is about the comfort of a good friendship. ~ Mary MacDonald