Category: Love

Love is Beautiful when it’s Good

Love is sometimes better the 2nd time around. You are more mature and know what you want in a mate. You have to pay price to be happy, nothing comes easy. To reach happiness you have to go through things that you do not want. Sometimes at the time we think it is beautiful and then …

True Love does exist

True love exists everywhere. Both parties need to want it and work at it. Not give up. ~ Missy Joe Couples who stay committed to each other wants to make it work. It needs patience, love, understanding & forgiveness. Without all it wouldn’t be possible to last to the golden age. ~ Linda Martial  True love does exist. …

Being someone’s First Love

I have my first and my last, 54 yrs and counting. ~  Patricia Fraide  When your first and last is the same person it’s beyond heaven on earth and I have been blessed with just such an angel. ~ John Boatright  I married my first love, and I loved and cherished her for almost 26 years except …

What is a Soul-mate?

Soul Mate – A relationship that changes your life. Your instantly comfortable, open, loving and trusting. Willing to grow together and share a deep connection to lift one another up. One’s soul will be content. ~ Stuart Hall  True soul mates are the people who end up so in love with each together, accepting the differences, can …