Tag: change

Things that you cannot control or change

The beach is the best place to relax. ~ Linda Pate    The more we hold our feeling inside and not letting them out, the stressful we become. ~ Hawkar Kalary    I wish that people would live by those words. I see so many people hold anger, grudges and bitterness to the point that it effects everyone …

People will notice the change in your attitude

This also works both ways. We should also become aware of our own behaviour. We can’t always blame everyone else. How can we do better? It’s not always down to other people. We should first judge our selves, be the kind of person we would like to meet. To address our need to do things differently …

Change is never easy in life

You can’t move forward with out taking a step forward.   We fight the constant decision of whether to let go or hold on. The back & forth only beats you up inside. ~ Shauna Coleman In order for things to progress in the right direction there has to be change.   What doesn’t kill you make …

Just live your life and be happy

If you’re happy and kind, you win no matter what!   You can’t change anything about another person. You can make a suggestion that they may or may not care about. If your suggestion is not working it become your choice to ignore it and accept the situation or stop wasting your time if you can’t …